COVID 19 Protocols
What can you expect from your RMT
Will screen you for COVID-19 (before the appointment and when you arrive)
Will ask you to come to the appointment alone (if possible), wearing a mask
Will ask you to use hand sanitizer when you arrive and before you leave
Will wash their hands with soap and water thoroughly and regularly, including before and after treatment
Will wear a medical mask
Cleaning and Disinfectant Protocols
Items used during treatment will be cleaned and disinfected after each client
Linens and blankets will be changed and laundered after each client and the face cradle will be thoroughly disinfected
Items that cannot be cleaned and disinfected or changed between clients will be removed from the treatment area
What you can do to help.
Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms or are feeling unwell
Try not to touch your face
Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue; dispose of the tissue immediately and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
Let your RMT know if you have concerns about wearing a mask
Follow your RMT's guidance and ask any questions you have before, during and after treatment